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    LABEL ARCHIVE 2014標(biāo)簽版本控制軟件

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    文:bitian   發(fā)表時(shí)間:2024-4-14 10:52:55

     產(chǎn)品咨詢:13928851814 黃'R

    LABEL ARCHIVE 2014標(biāo)簽版本控制軟件

     銷售熱線:13928851814 黃'R 



    Security and traceability for bar code and RFID label design in production environments

    LABEL ARCHIVE provides a traceability layer for the label design and printing process, complete with archiving, approval, print history and security for bar code and RFID label design in production environments.

    The great scalability of this product allows you to also install all components on your PC, and work in standalone mode like a simple desktop application.

    Designed to work with TEKLYNX label design and printing software, LABEL ARCHIVE addresses the label control standards demanded by several industries, including healthcare, pharmaceuticals and manufacturing.

    • LABEL ARCHIVE 2014 is fully compatible with CODESOFT 2014 & SENTINEL 2014
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